출처 : batteryindustry.net, 한국경제 (2024.10.25)
Though the project could revolutionize America’s electric car industry, critics say it could also endanger the survival of a rare wildflower species.
As the Washington Post reports, the Rhyolite Ridge Lithium-Boron Project in southern Nevada, roughly halfway between Las Vegas and Reno, could provide the country with an important source of the alkali metal, which is a crucial component of EV batteries.
According to the report, the mine could produce enough lithium for around 370,000 vehicles each year for more than two decades, giving the United States a massive leg up in the reproduction of electric cars. So far, the country has largely relied on lithium battery imports and has been home to just one operating lithium mine.
“The Rhyolite Ridge lithium mine project is essential to advancing the clean energy transition and powering the economy of the future,” said acting deputy interior secretary Laura Daniel-Davis in a statement. “This project and the process we have undertaken demonstrates that we can pursue responsible critical mineral development here in the United States, while protecting the health of our public lands and resources.”
Green Energy Gold
Still, environmentalists have raised concerns about the mine endangering wildlife species that thrive in the area, as well as its water consumption. The area has been battling a historic drought, as WaPo points out.
The company behind the project, an Australia-based mining firm called Ioneer, tried to reassure the public during a call with reporters on Thursday.
The mine will be “very efficient with water,” managing director Bernard Rowe promised, as quoted by WaPo. “We recirculate about 50 percent of our water.”
Ioneer also claims that it will set aside around 719 acres to protect an endangered wildflower.
Construction is set to kick off sometime next year and go into full operation in 2028. Ioneer claims it will employ up to 500 workers during construction and 350 during operations.
미국 정부는 대출 7억달러도 제공하기로 했다.
해당 리튬은 한국 배터리 제조사에도 공급할 계획이다. 아이오니어는 포드와 SK이노베이션 합작사인 블루오벌SK에 탄산리튬 연 7000만t을 공급하는 계약을 2022년 체결했다. 같은 해 도요타와 파나소닉의 합작사 JV프라임플래닛에너지&솔루션과도 리튬 공급 계약을 체결(2022)했다. 지난해에는 에코프로의 리튬 소재 자회사 에코프로이노베이션에 점토리튬을 공급하는 업무협약(MOU)(2023)을 맺었다. 염수나 광석이 아니라 점토에서 리튬을 뽑아내는 점토리튬 채굴 기술은 아직 상용화된 사례가 없지만 북미 지역에 매장된 점토층을 통해 리튬 생산을 늘릴 수 있는 기술로 평가된다.
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